Vincent Chang

Hi, there! I am a backend web developer. I spend a lot of time trying to code up crazy ideas inspired by the little stupid things in life. I came from a mechanical engineering background. I have some of my side projects listed here. Feel free to check those out, and contact me if you have any questions and/or suggestion!

嗨,你好!我是一名網頁後端開發人員。我會花不少時間去實作受生活上一些無厘頭小事啟發的想法。我的本科系背景是機械工程。在這裡我有列出一些我個人的小專案。 如果你有任何問題或是對列出的專案有任何想法或建議,請不吝賜教。

Horse Racing Side Projects

HR Physics Simulation: A simplified physics simulation implemented in python.

HR GraphQL Server: A GraphQL server for querying horses information. Live Demo

HR Crawler: A simple crawler that scrapes real world race horses data from a Japanese website

HR Racetrack Maker: An editor used to create race tracks that can be used in the physics engine. Live Demo


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